Staying Sane and Keeping in Touch

Got Trays?

These trays are perfect for corralling items on your bar, countertop or coffee table. They each feature a unique perspective of the San Francisco area including a map using slang names of Bay area cities created by Urban Dictionary, a vintage map from 1927 and a San Francisco street map.

Not only a place to land your drinks but also something new to to read while sheltering in place.

Sunset Store Turns 4!

Hard to believe that we opened our Inner Sunset store 4 years ago today. The time has literally flown by and we're really looking forward to the next 4 years.
 That timing sorta puts into perspective the last 4 weeks which have seemed endless. Through all the highs and lows, we've always ended up on the other side, just as we will now.

We look forward to seeing all your beautiful faces in person again soon!


Is it just us or are you also looking for different ways to keep in touch with your loved ones? We've found ourselves sending a lot of cards lately... to faraway friends, co-workers that we're not seeing everyday, and moms (who especially get a kick out of it). What better occasion is there than 'just because'? Include a sticker to make it even more special.

Want us to send a card for you? Just write your message in the Notes section of your order and we'll send it out for you.


Thank you for all your support now and through the years!
-The Local Take team

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